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Plumbing leaks can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare, often causing significant damage before they are even detected. Hidden leaks, in particular, can lurk unnoticed for weeks or even months, leading to wasted water, increased bills, and potential structural damage to your home.

Knowing the common signs of plumbing leaks and how to address them can save you from costly repairs and headaches down the line.

If you suspect a plumbing leak in your home, don’t wait for the problem to worsen. Contact W.C. Plumbing Services at 705-345-5321 or [email protected] for professional leak detection and repair services.

Identifying Hidden Plumbing Leaks

1. Unusually High Water Bills

An unexpected increase in your water bill is often the first sign of a hidden leak. If you haven’t changed your water usage habits but notice a significant spike in costs, plumbing leaks could be the culprit.

2. Musty Smells

Persistent musty odours can indicate mould or mildew growth, often resulting from hidden moisture within walls or under floors. These smells suggest that leaks are present and need to be addressed.

3. Sounds of Running Water = Plumbing Leaks

If you hear the sound of water running when no taps are open, it’s a clear sign of a plumbing leak. This sound may be most noticeable at night when the house is quiet.

4. Damp or Discolored Walls, Ceilings, or Floors

Wet spots, discoloration, or peeling paint on walls, ceilings, or floors can indicate the presence of moisture from a leak. Address these signs immediately, as they can lead to structural damage over time.

5. Mold or Mildew Formation

Mould or mildew, especially in areas not typically exposed to moisture, can signal a hidden plumbing leak. Mould poses health risks and requires immediate attention.

How to Address Plumbing Leaks

Locate the Source of the Plumbing Leaks

The first step in fixing a plumbing leak is to locate its source. This can be challenging with hidden leaks and often requires professional equipment and expertise.

Turn Off the Water

Once a leak is detected, turn off the main water supply to prevent further damage while you or a professional assess the situation.

Call a Professional

For most homeowners, repairing plumbing leaks, especially hidden ones, is a job for professionals. Plumbers have the tools and knowledge to repair leaks without causing further damage to your home.

Before you face a plumbing leak alone, remember that help is just a call or email away. Contact W.C. Plumbing Services at 705-345-5321 or [email protected].

Our team quickly and efficiently repairs leaks, protecting your home from water damage and saving you money in the long run.

Contact W.C. Plumbing Services for Your Plumbing Leaks Today

Water leaks, especially those that are hidden, pose a significant threat to your home. By staying vigilant and knowing the signs of leaks, you can catch and address them early.

However, when it comes to repairs, relying on professional plumbing services like W.C. Plumbing Services ensures that the job is done right, providing peace of mind and protecting your home from the potential dangers of unchecked water damage.

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